Robin's apartment is a studio apartment in CERia and where Robin Soloviev primarily stays. It also serves as Robin and Frey's base of operations so they have a safe place to plan out their activist agenda against the government's censorship.
The apartment is a small, L-shaped, studio apartment with a bathroom across from the front door. The furniture is laid out so a couch, coffee table, and a small bed occupy the space near the front door, while around the corner is a small kitchen, complete with a stove and refrigerator, and a table with four chairs. In the corner part of the room, near the bathroom door, are a couple dressers.
The apartment also has a lot of windows for a small space: the wall in the kitchen area is dominated by a large window, and there's a large window across from the couch and bed area.
- So far, every time the apartment is shown, including in concept art, Yuumei has always noted the one chair in the kitchen area that's been knocked over and never picked up.